Zen Meditation

Zen Meditation

The art of non-doing

Lately, my consistency with a mindfulness practice has been sticking. I first learned what is meditation in college and went down the rabbit hole of every app under the sun to try. Headspace, Calm, you name it. My current favorite is "Waking Up" by Sam Harris. These days, I prefer silence for long periods.

My saving grace has been finding a Zen Center from the suggestion of a friend I met at Esalen Institute. It has been a wonderful ride into the journey within, learning more about myself, and deepening my practice. There is so much to uncover, and let go of when we sit and "warm the cushion".

I do enjoy the pragmatic approach to Zen and learning about Buddhism. I can only imagine a world if more people took a few minutes out of their day or week to pause and focus on the breath. But none of that really matters. I can only lead by example and share with others what I enjoy and maybe other's will share their curiosity too.